Gatherings on Luke
Easter Sunday i HE IS RISEN I 4th April 2021
In this Easter service we worship, praise God, pray and listen to God as we celebrate the day that Jesus rose from the grave. This Sunday we also celebrate it with many of us being back in our building and sharing community together. We have some amazing signing form Candice, Lou and Enid that helps our hearts sour in praise. This service is an online resource for the Springwater Church community and all those who are connected with Springwater. Our…
Palm Sunday – TRIUMPH or PROTEST I 28th March 2021
In today’s PALM SUNDAY online service Linsey helps us contemplate the journey of Jesus into Jerusalem. Several people facilitate our worship, prayers and a time of reflection as we come to the end of Lent and begin Easter week. May each of us be counseled and renewed as we spend time engaging with the service today, On April 4th, Easter Sunday, Springwater Church will be holding a service in the building and, weather permitting, will be singing communally outside in…
A Life of Joy – A Life of Woe I 7th March 2021
In todays online service Barry Kirk looks at blessings and woes, Kevin hosts and Judy facilities out time of community prayers. In the service we also hear a personal insight from Indy and Linsey and Charys assist the community will a time of great worship. We also get to hear a developed version of the song, ‘I raise a Hallelujah’, that Candice produced with several new voices from the church community. Due to government regulations concerning COVID that are required…
ADVENT 2020 I Mary – A Journey EMBRACED
Welcome to this years first Springwater Advent Service where, amongst other voices, Linsey helps us explore the life of Mary. In this on-line service we have inputs from various people, especially Charys who sings a powerful rendition of Mary’s song for us. Apologies for the sound quality from Kevin’s mike. Due to the current COVID restrictions Springwater is not holding a service in the building this weekend, but we will be back in the building at Peppard Common/Sonning Common on…
REMEMBRANCE & COMMUNION This week we mark Remembrance Sunday and have a time of communion remembering Jesus. NB – THIS SERVICE HAS BEEN CREATED TO BE STARTED AT 10.30am AS IT IS DESIGNED TO CORRELATE WITH THE TWO MINUTES SILENCE THAT OCCURS ACROSS THE UK AT 11.00AM If you watch the service before or after 10.30am please be aware of this. In this online service we are also connected in worship through South Africa, Henley-on-Thames and Sonning Common. We will…
Springwater Online Communion Service 14th June
God has gone before the Springwater church community, both in helping us get ready for the lockdown and in relation to current events. In this video Kevin helps us recall some of the teaching that occurred nearly three years ago, in a series that spanned several weeks, called ‘God and the Poor’ that has a bearing on the events of the last few weeks. It should also be noted that none of the participants in todays service had previously talked…
How Do We Stay As God’s Resurrected People?
Luke 7:11-16