Gatherings by Dave Turner
Relationship | 19th September 2021
This Sunday we celebrated relationship: relationship with each other and with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. During this gathering we were privileged to celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of Dave & Grace Turner, a relationship that has lasted more then 50 years. They first met when they were both 16 years old. During our gathering we also shared a celebration meal.
Insights From The Springwater Church Community I Springwater 22nd Nov 2020
In this on-line service several individuals from the Church community will share insights and reflections on how God has impacted them over the last several weeks. There will also be worship including original songs and we will pray together. Due to the current COVID restrictions Springwater is not currently holding a weekend service in the building at Peppard Common/Sonning Common it is all on-line. Over the next several weeks of lockdown our church community will be meeting at various other…