

The Springwater congregation has a multiplicity of relationships with family, friends, churches and various organisations around the world who live out the love & grace of Christ and pursue the justice and mercy of the Kingdom.

We appreciate all those who have the same heart and are available to hold us accountable or help us grow as a united family in Christ. Some of these people are close while others are further afield.


Christian Community Action

Demonstrating God’s love by meeting people’s physical needs and restoring self-worth.


Provides support to local charities by running pop-ups and selling delicious homemade bread of many kinds, made with the finest organic ingredients to raise money for charity. Compassionate Loaf also provides bread making workshops for the local church and community.

Churches together in Peppard Common, Sonning Common & stoke row

A relational network of church leaders and congregations working and sharing life together to see positive spiritual and physical transformation occur in our areas of influence.

Mustard Tree Foundation

Working with the margenalised and ostracized in Reading support the vulnerable and networking with organizations across the town.

Working with local Businesses, schools, volunteer groups and charities

Providing a foodbank to support those impacted by food insecurity



We are part of the congregational federation and its local national mission.


A national of churches and organisations who champion the role of men, women and couples in leadership and are seeking to change culture, build bridges and restore brokenness.



An inclusive, integrated, empowering organisation that works in a comprehensive way so that all people experience wholeness and fullness of life.

NB – All the initiatives at Springwater are seen as an act or worship following the teachings of Jesus to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Many of the various initiatives are also connected in partnership through their own networks. To know more contact the church office.