Gatherings from May 2021
His Touch | Springwater | 30th May 2021
This week in our service Grace explores the Touch of God, sharing her thoughts from Luke 8:40-56. Judy hosts us, Stuart leads us in musical worship and Rosemary facilitates our community prayers and intercession.
Pentecost – You’ve never had a friend like me! i 23rd May
Springwater Pentecost service. Due to technical support issues we were not able to live stream on Sunday the 23rd May, but hope you will be able to engage with the service at some point now it has been uploaded to YouTube. The morning at Springwater on Sunday was a special time with the presence of the Spirit tangibly present in our midst. In the service Linsey leads us in music and scripture, Grace in community prayer and Kevin helps us…
Perspective | Springwater | 9th May 2021
This week Andy Matheson is with us and helps us explore our perspective on faith and life. This live-stream is a resource for those who are either not able to be physically present in the building, at the moment, or who have enjoyed linking into our times together and wish to learn more about the person of Jesus Christ.
Time For A Makeover? | Springwater | 2nd May 2021
As we gather this Sunday let’s look to the Lord so we may commit our life to God and that we may encourage each other and be challenged as we contemplate our walk with God and our openness to having our minds transformed by the love of Jesus. This live-stream is a resource for those who are either not able to be physically present in the building, at the moment, or who have enjoyed linking into our times together and…