Gatherings from September 2021
Wisdom Of Youth | 26th September 2021
This Sunday our time together will begin combining a focus on children, youth and adults that will become one part of our various monthly weekend gatherings. This time together was a lovely time of being in community and listening to the wisdom of God through our focus on children. As we move forward we will look to hear God from the insights of the young people in our community and less from the adults.
Relationship | 19th September 2021
This Sunday we celebrated relationship: relationship with each other and with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. During this gathering we were privileged to celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary of Dave & Grace Turner, a relationship that has lasted more then 50 years. They first met when they were both 16 years old. During our gathering we also shared a celebration meal.
Good News | 12th September 2021
This week Mike hosts our combined worship, communion and prayers for a reflective time of focussing on Jesus who is our good news. We also hear a word from Robert and Linsey ties our time together.
Family | 5th September 2021
In our gathering Linsey facilitates our time plus she, Candice and Ruth create a prayer and worship space that is powerful. Have a listen, the community singing is amazing. In this gathering we also explore the first part of Jesus family tree and see the wired, wacky and wonderful family line that God deemed appropriate to be linked with Jesus.