Gatherings from April 2021
Creative Ministry | Springwater | 25th April 2021
This week Rosemary, Linsey, Grace, Robert and our children will help us come into God’s presence. As we gather let’s look for the Lord to strengthen us and help us encourage each other and challenge us as we contemplate our walk with God and our openness to having our minds transformed by the love of Jesus. This live-stream is a resource for those who are either not able to be physically present in the building, at the moment, or who…
Source of Hope | Springwater | 18th April 2021
In this weekend gathering Jayne Seaman will share on the “Source of Hope”, we will take a journey of worship with Claudia, Candice, Enid, Linsey and Kevin and Ruth will facilitate a community time of prayer. As we gather we look for the Lord to strengthen us and help us encourage each other and challenge us as we contemplate our walk with God and our openness to having our minds transformed by the love of Jesus. Our service is relaxed…
Wrong Way Round | Springwater Communion Service | 11th April 2021
In this weekend gathering our community shares communion together, worships & praises God, prays and listen to God. We will also contemplate our walk with God and our openness to having our minds transformed by the love of Jesus. Our service is relaxed and we can accommodate approximately 38 people at the moment. This live-stream is an online resource for the Springwater Church community and all those who are connected with Springwater. Plus those who enjoy linking into our weekend…
Easter Sunday i HE IS RISEN I 4th April 2021
In this Easter service we worship, praise God, pray and listen to God as we celebrate the day that Jesus rose from the grave. This Sunday we also celebrate it with many of us being back in our building and sharing community together. We have some amazing signing form Candice, Lou and Enid that helps our hearts sour in praise. This service is an online resource for the Springwater Church community and all those who are connected with Springwater. Our…