Events Calendar

Events Calendar



Springwater Foodbank

The Springwater Foodbank functions out of Springwater Church every day. We are supported by various local organisations and currently assist 60 households. Any food donations can be left in the green box outside the church and financial donations to support the food bank can be given through the donations page on this website or left at the church office. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by email: If you, or someone you…

The Ark

The Ark is a warm, friendly and welcoming group for parents/carers with toddlers aged 1-3 (up to the term of their 3rd birthday). The session operates on Wednesday mornings between 10.00am and 12.00pm. For more information, please click here.

Sunday Service

Our weekly Sunday gathering where we meet to worship, pray and explore the Bible.

Compassionate Loaf workshops

Compassionate Loaf holds a workshop on artisan bread making that is available to all.

Women’s Support Group

A friendly and safe gathering of women to read, listen, share and pray together.

Steering Wheel Fellowship

A gathering of men who meet once a month for a pint and curry and share their lives, faith and discuss an interest in classic cars.